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CLARIAHCommon Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities


Prof. dr. Antal van den Bosch
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, 1012 DK Amsterdam
National library of the Netherlands, B&G, IVDNT, MPI, Meertens, Huygens ING, IISH, University Utrecht (TLC), University Amsterdam, Vrije University Amsterdam, Radboud University, University Groningen

The availability of massive quantities of digital sources (textual, audio-visual and structured data) for research is revolutionising the humanities. Analysis of these huge amounts of data is only possible with the use of sophisticated ICT tools. CLARIAH offers scholars a Common Lab that helps them to find answers to their questions that are contained in these digital data by means of innovative user-friendly tools, thus enabling them to carry out ground-breaking research with high potential for contributing to a democratic, resilient society.

The CLARIAH governance consists of a National Advisory Board, the Board, the Executive Board, and the International Advisory Panel. The Executive Board convenes ten times per year to prepare and execute policy, manage the daily running of the facility, and monitor progress. The Board convenes at least five times per year to determine policy and monitor progress.
The Executive Board is a small (‘lean and mean’) team that is responsible for the implementation of the CLARIAH++ plans and for the day-to-day running of the CLARIAH facility. The CEO is the primary initiator for formulating policies and plans, internal procedures, the global plan and budget, the annual budgets and reports, and for monitoring that these are adequately being executed.
The whole governance structure is supported by the CLARIAH office.
The CTO organizes meetings with technical experts from different work packages and working groups at least four times a year in the Technical Committee.
The Outreach Officer coordinates the Dissemination & Outreach activities and is responsible for the interaction of CLARIAH with the user communities (researchers, public organisations, companies) The National Advisory Board checks whether the planned, running and finished activities are in accordance with the overall CLARIAH goals and internal procedures. It decides on procedures used in the project, and can approve or reject the overall budget, the annual budgets and annual financial reports. The Supervisory Board convenes 1-2 times a year.
The International Advisory Panel consists of six experienced and renowned researchers and infrastructure experts from outside of the Netherlands. It has an advisory role and makes solicited and unsolicited recommendations to the Board, the EB and the project director. The IAP convenes once a year.
CLARIAH is a member of, and contributes to the ERICS CLARIN and DARIAH.
In the coming years we will explore the possibility of organising our stakeholders in a foundation.

Aansluiting bij strategische ontwikkelingen
Creatieve Industrie
Op weg naar veerkrachtige samenlevingen
Tussen conflict en coöperatie
Waardecreatie door verantwoorde toegang tot en gebruik van big data
Smart, liveable cities
Kunst: onderzoek en innovatie in de 21ste eeuw
Jeugd in ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs
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