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Digitale infrastructuur rijksarchievenDigitale infrastructuur rijksarchieven


Tom de Smet
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 20, 2595 BE Den Haag
RHC Limburg, Brabants Historical Information Centrum, Gelders Archives, Drents Archive, Historic Centre

The infrastruture the National Archives of the Netherlands share with the Regional Historical Centers in the provinces, links every archive in the Netherlands that keeps archives of the central government to the e-Depot of the National Archives. It is based on a scalable Red Hat Gluster Storage solution, taking into account the expected data growth in the years to come. Ministries and their organizations are obliged to transfer their (digital) archives to the National Archives within 20 years after the case files have been closed.
Access to the infrastructure is open. Through the websites and anyone can search and browse the collection.
In July 2019 the National Archives obtained CoreTrustSeal certification for our e-Depot tenant. Regional Historical Centers can certify their e-Depot tenants, as they share the infrastructure, but are different legal entities.

The IT environment of the National Archives is based on a Red Hat Gluster Storage solution, having taken into account the expected growth of the e-depot facility of the National Archives in the years to come. The Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization layer for the servers also makes use of this storage. In 2016 an identical hardware- and software configuration has been built on an alternate location for disaster recovery. On these virtual server environment the e-Depot services are developed. The servers themselves are mainly based on Red Hat Linux. Preferably (open) standard software will be used from the available repositories: MariaDB, Apache etc. The DTAP (Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production) of the National Archives is maintained using Red Hat Satellite for configuration management and deployment.

The digital archives of the central government are stored in the e-Depot: digital archives to be preserved for eternity, but also archival records that are stored temporarily in the e-Depot. The e-Depot of the National Archives of the Netherlands is built conform the OIAS reference model (ISO 14721:2012), with the following functionalities: Ingest, metadata management, archival storage, access, preservation planning and administration. Via OAI-PMH and CMIS (both open standards) access is given to the contents of the e-Depot. Via OAI-PMH the metadata can be harvested, including the links to the actual objects in het e-Depot. Via CMIS the actual digital object can be rendered using these links. The objects can be rendered using the e-Depot render framework. Not all file formats will be supported. File formats that are not supported by the render framework will be presented as a download to the researcher.

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